Cookies Policy

For you to be informed, we are 100% transparent

DELISHSC. informs about the use of cookies on its website:

General information

Due to the entry into force of the referent modification of the “Information Society Services Law” (LSSICE) established by Royal Decree 13/2012, it is mandatory to obtain the express consent of the user of all web pages that they use expendable cookies, before you navigate through them.

What are cookies?

Cookies and other similar technologies such as local shared objects, flash cookies or pixels, are tools used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, as well as to offer a correct functioning of the site.

A cookie is a harmless text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page. The utility of the cookie is that the website is able to remember your visit when you return to browse that page. Although many people do not know it, cookies have been used for 20 years, when the first browsers for the World Wide Web appeared.

No website can access information on your computer other than what is in the cookie that it created on your computer. The cookie does not have any executable code, so it does not have any kind of “life of its own” beyond the fact that it is used by the website that created it. Its use is limited to helping your browser process information from the web. Although cookies are text files incapable of harm, there is some controversy surrounding them.

Cookies play an essential role in the provision of numerous information society services. Among others, they allow a web page to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognize the user and improve the service offered.

According to the EU directive, the cookies that require the informed consent of the user are analytical cookies and advertising and affiliation cookies, with except those of a technical nature and those necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services expressly requested by the user.

In accordance with the provisions of current legislation, according to the EU directive, on any web page that uses analytical cookies and those of advertising and affiliation, clear and complete information must be provided about its purpose, being mandatory to obtain the express consent of the users before downloading them, except for those of a technical nature and those necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services expressly requested by the user . that is, the so-called ā€œexcepted cookiesā€ for which it is NOT necessary to obtain consent. Excepted cookies include:

  • Technical cookies: are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, such as, for example, controlling visitor traffic and the data communication, identify the session, access restricted access parts, remember the elements that make up an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, make the request for registration or participation in an event, use security elements during navigation , store content for the dissemination of videos or sound or share content through social networks. Also included in this category are cookies that allow information to be obtained for effective management of advertising design from a strictly technical point of view.
  • Personalization Cookies: are those that allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria in the user’s browser or device, such as the language. , the type of browser through which you access the service, colors, the regional configuration from which you access the service, etc. Examples of excepted cookies are session cookies (which expire when the user closes the computer) and user input, authentication cookies, security cookies, media player session cookies, session cookies for load balancing, personalization cookies of the user interface and complement cookies (plug-in) to exchange content on social networks. The use of the rest of the cookies -that is, those not excepted- implies the duty to inform and obtain the express consent of the user prior to downloading them.

What is NOT a cookie?

It is not a virus, nor a Trojan horse, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor does it open pop-up windows.

What information does a cookie store?

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about personal data, such as credit cards or bank details, photographs, your ID or personal information, etc. The data they store is of a technical nature, personal preferences, personalization of content, etc.

The web server does not associate you as a person but your web browser. In fact, if you regularly browse with Internet Explorer and try browsing the same website with Firefox or Chrome, you will see that the website does not realize that you are the same person because it is actually associating the browser, not the person.

What information is in a cookie?

The contents of a cookie are determined by the specific website that created it. The contents change from one site to another. As a general rule, cookies contain random textual characters. Cookies are intended to help you access the site more quickly and effectively. For example, cookies can store information to help you enter a site without having to log in. In effect, cookies tell the web page that your browser has been to the site before. This does not mean that I have to know your exact identity.

Once created, cookies do not normally contain any personal information. They do not scan your computer or do any research to find out your personal information. Any personal information they may contain is only that which you yourself have entered into a form on the site. Most of the time, when a cookie contains personal information, it is encrypted in a way that is unreadable by any third party that might have access to your cookie file. The only computer that can read and decode the information is the one on the server that originally created it.
In addition to encrypting any information stored in cookies, some websites add extra security measures to browsers’ cookie control processes: store only anonymous but unique content in local cookies, or store personal information on the server of the web page and make it accessible only by matching it with the data of the anonymous cookie that the server stored on your computer.

Types of cookies

There are several types of computer cookies that can be classified in different ways, depending on whether or not they require consent to be used, their purpose or the entity that manages them.

According to the type of consent, two types can be distinguished:

  • Excepted Cookies: those that do not require the prior consent of the user to be used and that correspond to technical cookies and personalization cookies. These cookies are considered necessary for the proper functioning of the website and, therefore, can be used without the consent of the users.
  • Non-excepted Cookies: these are the rest of the cookies, that is, the non-excepted cookies and all require the express and prior consent of the users to be able to use them, that is, the notice and the privacy policy Cookies must inform about them and, in addition, allow their acceptance or rejection in a simple way.

Depending on who is the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, two types can be distinguished:

  • Own cookies: those that are sent to the user’s browser or device from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • Third-party cookies: those that are sent to the user’s browser or device from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies. .

In the event that cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as own cookies.

There is also a third classification according to the time period that they remain stored in the client’s browser, which could be:

  • Session cookies: they expire immediately or a few seconds after the user leaves the web browser. Designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only interesting to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased).
  • Persistent Cookies: the data remains stored in the browser for a long time and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Finally, there is another classification with types of cookies according to the purpose for which the data obtained is processed:

  • Technical cookies: those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, such as, for example, controlling the traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted access parts, remember the elements that make up an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, make the request for registration or participation in an event, use security elements while browsing, store content for broadcasting videos or sound or share content through social networks.
  • Personalization cookies: they allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria in the user’s browser or device, such as the language, the type of browser through which you access the service, the regional configuration from which you access the service, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: they allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the websites, applications or platforms and to create browsing profiles of the users of said sites, applications and platforms, in order to introduce improvements in function of the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service.
  • Advertising cookies: allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of advertising spaces.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: they store information on the behavior of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.
  • Media player cookies: Content player cookies allow the playback of audio or video. Suppose a user is browsing a web and finds an auto-playing video file. The media player cookies allow that video to play.
  • Plug-in cookies: Plugin cookies are those that are generated when using plugins from external content providers and that allow users to access content or services provided by third parties, such as, for example, locations on Google Maps, connection to social networks or access to YouTube. These cookies are governed by the provisions of the respective cookie policies of external providers.
  • External social network cookies: they are used so that visitors can interact with the content of different social platforms (facebook, Instagram, youtube, twitter, linkedIn, Google Mybusiness, etc.) and that are generated only for the users of said social networks. The conditions of use of these cookies and the information collected is regulated by the privacy policy of the corresponding social platform.

What are own and third-party cookies?

Own cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and third-party cookies are those generated by external services or providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, etc.

Own cookies

They are those cookies that are sent to your computer or device and managed exclusively by DELISHĀ for the best functioning of the Website. The information collected is used to improve the quality of the Website and its Content and your experience as a User. These cookies allow the User to be recognized as a recurring visitor to the Website and to adapt the content to offer you content that meets your preferences.

Third party cookies

They are cookies used and managed by external entities that provide DELISHĀ services requested by it to improve the Website and the user experience when browsing the Website. The main objectives for which third-party cookies are used are to obtain access statistics and analyze browsing information, that is, how the User interacts with the Website. The information obtained refers, for example, to the number of pages visited, the language, the place to which the IP address from which the User accesses, the number of Users who access, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the time of visit, the browser they use, the operator or type of device from which the visit is made. This information is used to improve the Website, and detect new needs to offer Users Content and/or service of the highest quality. In any case, the information is collected anonymously and Web Site trend reports are prepared without identifying individual users.

Cookies from social networks

DELISH incorporates social network modules or plugins, which allow access to them from the Website. For this reason, social network cookies may be stored in the User’s browser. The owners of these social networks have their own data protection and cookie policies, being themselves, in each case, responsible for their own files and their own privacy practices. The User must refer to them to find out about said cookies and, where appropriate, the processing of their personal data. For information purposes only, the links in which these privacy and/or cookie policies can be consulted are indicated below:

What happens if I disable cookies?

So that you understand the scope that deactivating cookies can have, we show you some examples:

  • You will not be able to share content from that website on Facebook, Twitter or any other social network.
  • The website will not be able to adapt the contents to your personal preferences, as is often the case in online stores.
  • You will not be able to access the personal area of ā€‹ā€‹that website, such as My account, or My profile or My orders.
  • Online stores: It will be impossible for you to make purchases online, they will have to be by phone or by visiting the physical store if it has one.
  • It will not be possible to customize your geographical preferences such as time zone, currency or language.
  • The website will not be able to perform web analytics on visitors and web traffic, which will make it difficult for the website to be competitive.
  • You will not be able to write on the blog, you will not be able to upload photos, post comments, rate or rate content. The web will also not be able to know if you are a human or an automated application that publishes spam.
  • It will not be possible to show sectorized advertising, which will reduce the advertising revenue of the web.
  • All social networks use cookies, if you deactivate then you will not be able to use any social network.

Can cookies be deleted or blocked?

Yes. Not only delete, but also block, in a general or particular way for a specific domain.

To remove cookies from a website, you must go to your browser settings and there you will be able to search for those associated with the domain in question and proceed to eliminate them.

Deactivation, elimination and configuration of cookies for the most popular browsers

At any time you can exercise your right to deactivate or eliminate and block cookies from this website. You can do it when you enter our website. Here is a quick guide to the most popular browsers. You have the option to allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer. By disabling cookies, some of the available services may no longer be operational. The way to disable cookies is different for each browser, but it can usually be done from the Tools or Options menu. You can also consult the Help menu of the browser where you can find instructions. The user may at any time choose which cookies he wants to work on this website.

You can allow, block, delete or configure the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer or device:

Google Chrome

Here’s how to access a specific cookie from the Chrome browser. Note: These steps may vary depending on your browser version:

  1. Go to Settings or Preferences through the File menu or by clicking on the personalization icon that appears on the top right.
  2. You will see different sections, press the option Show advanced options.
  3. Go to Privacy, Content Settings.
  4. Select All cookies and site data.
  5. A list will appear with all the cookies sorted by domain. To make it easier for you to find cookies from a certain domain, enter the address partially or totally in the Search cookies field.
  6. After performing this filter, one or more lines will appear on the screen with the cookies of the requested website. Now you just have to select it and press the X to proceed with its elimination.

Microsoft Edge

Here’s how to delete all cookies from the Microsoft Edge browser.

  1. Open Microsoft Edge and select Settings and more > Settings > Privacy, search and services.
  2. Under Clear browsing data, select Choose what to clear.
  3. Under Time range, choose a time range.
  4. Select Cookies and other site data and then Delete now.

Internet Explorer

To access the cookie settings of the Internet Explorer browser, follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser version):

  1. Go to Tools, Internet Options.
  2. Click Privacy.
  3. Move the slider to set the level of privacy you want.

Mozilla Firefox

To access the cookie settings of the Firefox browser, follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser version):

You can use the page info window to have Firefox block cookies from a single website.

  1. Go to Options or Preferences depending on your operating system.
  2. Click Privacy.
  3. Under History choose Use custom settings for history.
  4. Now you will see the Accept cookies option, you can activate or deactivate it according to your preferences.

Safari for Mac

To access the cookie settings of the Safari for OSX browser, follow these steps (they may vary depending on the version of the browser):

  1. Go to Preferences, then Privacy.
  2. In this place you will see the option Block cookies to adjust the type of blocking you want to perform.

Safari for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

To access the cookie settings of the Safari for iOS browser, follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser version):

  1. Go to Settings, then Safari.
  2. Go to Privacy and Security, you will see the option “Block all cookies” to adjust the type of blocking you want to perform.


Here are the steps to allow browser cookies in Opera:

  1. Start the Opera browser on the computer.
  2. Click Settings from the sidebar. It will open the Opera settings page.
  3. Scroll down to find the Advanced Settings section.
  4. Within the Advanced section, go to the Privacy and Security section.
  5. Click the Cookies and other site data option. Opens the cookie and site data settings page.
  6. Click Allow all cookies if you want all websites to have access to cookies in your browser.


To access the browser cookie settings for Android devices, follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser version):

  1. Launch the browser and press the Menu key, then Settings.
  2. Go to Security and Privacy, you will see the Accept cookies option to activate or deactivate the box.

Windows Phone

To access the browser cookie settings for Windows Phone devices, follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser version):

  1. Open Internet Explorer, then More, then Settings.
  2. You can now enable or disable the Allow cookies checkbox.

In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser through tools such as the following:

Adobe Cookies

If the user has Adobe Flash installed on their computer (most computers do), small files from websites containing Flash media, such as video clips, may be stored on the user’s computer. These files are known as Local Shared Objects (LSOs) or Flash cookies. They can be used for the same purposes as normal cookies (properly known as HTTP cookies).

Flash cookies can also make a backup copy of the data stored in a normal cookie. When the user deletes cookies using their browser controls, Flash cookies are not affected. You can find more information at Adobe.


The user could find that a content of a web page, usually a video, is provided by YouTube. By clicking on this part of the page to enjoy the content, YouTube sets cookies that collect the user’s IP address and behavior. You can consult more information at

Cookies used on

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, we proceed to detail the use of cookies made by this website in order to inform you as accurately as possible. The cookies that are being used on this website are identified below, as well as their type and function:

This website uses the following own cookies:


comment_author_[hash] WP to store the name of the person who leaves a comment without being logged in, in this way it is not necessary to enter it again. 1 year
comment_author_email_[hash] WP to store the email of the person who leaves a comment without being logged in, in this way it is not necessary to enter it again. 1 year
comment_author_url_[hash] WP to store the web address of the person who leaves a comment without being logged in, in this way it is not necessary to enter it again. 1 year
gadwp_wg_default_dimension This cookie uses a fraction of the data collected by Google Analytics cookies to be used for system administration, manages the management of access to the web and the display of images.
WordPress plugin.Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress
Tecnical 1 year
gadwp_wg_default_metric This cookie uses data collected by Google Analytics to present them in the administration panel, manages the management of access to the web and the display of images.
WordPress plugin.Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress
Analytical 1 year
gadwp_wg_default_swmetric These cookies are used to be able to consult data collected by Google Analytics in the WordPress administration panel. The data collected is not personal, but only for used browsers.
WordPress plugin.Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress
Analytical 1 year
gdpr[allowed_cookies] Utilizado por WordPress&RGPD sĆ³lo para comprobar y gestionar los permisos que los usuarios otorgan a la web en las cuestiones relativas a la PolĆ­tica de Privacidad y de Cookies. No rastrean datos personales. Tecnical 1 year
gdpr[consent_types] Used by WordPress&RGPD only to check and manage the permissions that users grant to the website in matters related to the Privacy and Cookies Policy. They do not track personal data. 1 year
gdpr%5Bprivacy_bar%5D Used by WordPress&RGPD only to check and manage the permissions that users grant to the website in matters related to the Privacy and Cookies Policy. They do not track personal data. 1 year
itsec-hb-login Used to identify administrator credentials and save authentication details Tecnical Immediately, on logout
PHPSESSID Esta cookie es nativa de PHP y permite a la web guardar datos serializados de estado. En esta web se usa para establecer sesiones de usuario pasando datos de estado a travĆ©s de una cookie temporal tambiĆ©n conocida como Cookie de sesiĆ³n. La cookie PHPSESSID no tiene caducidad establecida ya que desaparece cuando se cierra la web. Tecnical Immediately, on logout You will not be able to authenticate to the website.
RT Used by WordPress to display the custom user interface. Tecnical Immediately
wordpress_logged_in[hash] After login, WordPress activates the cookie that indicates that you have connected and who you are, being used for the WordPress interface. Tecnical 15 days
wordpress_sec_[hash] Used as a key to control a user’s access to the WordPress service. Tecnical 15 days
wordpress_test_cookie This cookie is used for the WordPress content manager to check if the browser has cookies enabled. Tecnical Immediately, on logout
wp-settings-1 Used by WordPress to display the custom user interface. Tecnical 1 year
wp-settings-time-1 Used by WordPress to customize the User Interface. Saves the individual user ID from the table in the user database. It is used to customize the administration interface view and the main interface of the site. Tecnical 1 year
wpgdprc-consent Strictly necessary cookie that contains the value of whether the installation of cookies has been accepted. Ensures requesting consent only once. Tecnical 1 year If it is not accepted, the cookie acceptance alert message will always be displayed on each visit.
AMP_TOKEN Needed to correctly display the page with the AMP service. Includes a token that can be used to retrieve a client ID from AMP’s Client ID service. Other possible values indicate disablements, requests in progress, or errors obtained while retrieving an ID from the AMP Client ID service. Tecnical 10 minutes

This website uses the following cookies from third parties:

__utma Used to distinguish between users and sessions, which is used to count how many times a specific user visits the site. It also records the first and last time you visited the website. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and there is no __utma cookie. The cookie is updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics. Analytical 2 years .googleanalytics We will not know how many users visit us.
__utmb Used to determine new sessions or visits. Calculates when a session has ended, registering the time of arrival at the page. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and there is no __utmb cookie. The cookie is updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics. Analytical 30 minutes .googleanalytics We don’t know if the user has already visited us.
__utmc Checks if the session should be kept open or a new session should be created. Not used in ga.js. It is configured to interact with urchin.js. Previously, this cookie acted in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine if the user was in a new session or visit. Analytical At the end of the session .googleanalytics We don’t know if the user has already visited us.
__utmt Used to limit service request rate and limit data collection on high traffic sites. Analytical 10 minutes .googleanalytics Mayor carga del servidor.
__utmz Stores the source of traffic or the campaign that explains how the user has reached the site, registering the origin of the user, as well as the keywords. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and is updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics. Analytical 6 months .googleanalytics We do not know how users have known us.
_adobator Not rated but adequate. 90 days
_alphonse Not rated but adequate. 90 days
_darenso Not rated but adequate. 90 days
_ga It serves to distinguish users. Generated by Google Analytics. Google stores the information collected by cookies on servers located in the United States, complying with European legislation regarding the protection of personal data and undertakes not to share it with third parties, except when required by law or necessary for the operation of the system. Google does not associate your IP address with any other information it has. If you wish to obtain more information about the cookies used by Google Analytics, please access this address: Behavioral advertising 2 years .googleanalytics
_gat_gtag_UA_11xxxxx_2 It is used to throttle the request rate. Analytical Immediately .googleanalytics
_gat_UA-11xxxxx-13 Used to show our Advertising on other pages of the Google network. Generated by Google Analytics. Google stores the information collected by cookies on servers located in the United States, complying with European legislation regarding the protection of personal data and undertakes not to share it with third parties, except when required by law or necessary for the operation of the system. Google does not associate your IP address with any other information it has. If you wish to obtain more information about the cookies used by Google Analytics, please access this address: Behavioral advertising 1 year .googleanalytics
_gid Description: Generated by Google Analytics. Google stores the information collected by cookies on servers located in the United States, complying with European legislation regarding the protection of personal data and undertakes not to share it with third parties, except when required by law or necessary for the operation of the system. Google does not associate your IP address with any other information it has. If you wish to obtain more information about the cookies used by Google Analytics, please access this address: Analytical 1 year .googleanalytics
_kuid_ Registers a unique device ID of a user for specific ads. 6 months
_mandomar Not rated but adequate. 90 days
1P_JAR Google uses this cookie to personalize ads based on your interests. Collect website statistics and track conversion rates. Tecnical 1 month
Cookies used to analyze the use of Facebook by users of the service, the type of browser used to connect with Facebook, location of users and for security purposes to avoid false cross-site requests.</ td> Facebook Facebook widget
demdex Unique identification for semantic analysis of the content to show specific ads to the user. 6 months
dpm Unique identification for semantic analysis of the content to show specific ads to the user. 6 months
DSID Advertising Immediately
DV It is used by Google to provide services and extract anonymous information about browsing. Analytical 1 dĆ­a
GPS Registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographic location by GPS. Advertising 1 dĆ­a
IDE To target Advertising based on content that is relevant to the user and not to repeat ads already displayed. 13 months
NID Typically written in the browser to load Google Maps, StreetView or YouTube videos. Advertising 6 months
PREF Manages user preferences, such as preferred language, number of search results displayed per page or activation of Google’s SafeSearch filter, and facilitates the presentation of related content on YouTube. Advertising 8 months Embedding Youtube videos
TapAd_DID For segmented marketing towards the type of device used by the user. It’s persistent. 60 days
TapAd_TS For segmented marketing towards the type of device used by the user. It’s persistent. 60 days
uuid For targeted marketing, using random numbers and letters. 13 months
uuid2 For targeted marketing, using random numbers and letters. 90 days
uuidc For targeted marketing, using random numbers and letters. 13 months
UULE Cookie associated with the Google Maps service. Allows geolocation in the corresponding section of this website. Advertising 1 dĆ­a
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE It allows integration with YouTube and tracks visited videos that are embedded on the web. Advertising 6 months Youtube video embedding
YSC It contains a unique identifier to allow the control of visits to YouTube videos and measures the reproductions of videos made by the user and records the events of “Like” or “Share video”. Advertising Immediately Youtube video embedding

DELLThe cookie tables will be updated as you use more on the web, due to new features of it. It is true that when these new functionalities are implemented, there will be a very short period of time in which these new cookies will not appear in the tables, until they are up to date. In this sense, I appreciate your understanding.


Cookie security and privacy issues


Cookies are NOT viruses. Cookies have a plain text format. They are not encrypted snippets, so they can’t be run, much less run automatically. Likewise, they cannot make copies of themselves and spread them across other networks to run and play again. Since they cannot perform these functions, they are completely outside the standard definition of a virus.

However, cookies MAY also be used for malicious purposes. Because they store information about a user’s browsing preferences and browsing history, both within a particular page and across pages, cookies can be used as a type of spyware. Many anti-spyware products can avoid this problem and block certain cookies to destroy them if necessary after a standard check for viruses or Spyware.

Most browsers contain their own privacy browsers that provide different options regarding the levels of use of cookies, the validity time and their elimination after the user has visited a specific website. Backing up your computer will give you absolute peace of mind that your files are safe.


Other threats related to the use of cookies


Since privacy protection is highly valued and a right of every Internet user, it pays to be protected from the threats that cookies can pose.

Since cookies are transmitted back and forth between the browser and the website, if an enemy or unauthorized person interferes with the transmission of data, the information received by cookies can be intercepted. Although quite rare, this can happen if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network such as an open Wifi connection. Internet security is only possible if you regularly use an antivirus protection program.

Other cookie-related attacks are linked to the exploitation of faulty cookie settings on servers. If a web page does not force browsers to use encrypted channels exclusively, attackers can use that vulnerability to trick browsers into sending information over unsecured channels. The attackers will then divert the sensitive data for unwanted purposes. It is important to choose anti-fraud and theft protection to protect your personal information.


Key tips for safe and responsible web browsing with cookies


Due to its flexibility and the fact that many of the largest and most visited websites use cookies by default, cookies are practically unavoidable. Disabling cookies would make it impossible for a user to access most of the widely used sites on the Internet, such as YouTube, Gmail, Yahoo mail and others. Even browsers need cookies for language settings.

Here are some tips that can help you achieve safe web browsing using cookies:

  • Customize your browser’s cookie settings to a level where you’re comfortable with cookie security, or use the cookie cleaner.
  • If you find cookies very comfortable and you are the only person who uses your computer, you may want to choose long periods of time for cookies to store your personal access information and your browsing history.
  • If you share access to your computer, you may want to set your browser to delete private browsing data every time you close the browser. Although it is not as secure as rejecting the use of cookies, this option allows you to access web pages that require cookies to function while destroying all your sensitive information after logging out of your browser.


Make sure your browser is up to date.


If you haven’t already, set your browser to update automatically. This will remove the security vulnerability inherent in outdated browsers. Many exploits that use cookies take advantage of security flaws in outdated browsers.

Cookies are everywhere and really can’t be avoided if you want to enjoy the biggest and best websites out there. With a clear understanding of how they work and how they help improve your browsing experience, you can take the necessary security measures to ensure that you browse the web in confidence.


Install and keep antispyware applications up to date.


Many Spyware detection programs, cleaning applications, and Spyware cleaners include detection of potentially dangerous sites. Thus, they block your browser’s access to websites that have been designed to exploit the browser vulnerability to download malicious software.

Make sure your browser is up to date. If you haven’t already, set your browser to update automatically. This will remove the security vulnerability inherent in outdated browsers. Many exploits that use cookies take advantage of security flaws in outdated browsers.

Cookies are everywhere and really can’t be avoided if you want to enjoy the biggest and best websites out there. With a clear understanding of how they work and how they help improve your browsing experience, you can take the necessary security measures to ensure that you browse the web in confidence.


Use a Virtual Private Network or VPN.

VPN is a security network for your Internet connection. The acronym VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This type of Internet connection is designed to link different computers to a private and secure network.

How does a VPN work and why should you use it?

If you use a VPN, instead of connecting directly to the Internet through your provider, you will connect through a VPN server. This VPN server creates a secure tunnel with an encrypted connection through which you can browse and use your applications anonymously and without the risk of being observed. When connecting to the VPN you will not use the IP address provided by your Internet provider, but one of the server IPs. And since the connection is encrypted, neither the provider nor other possible onlookers will be able to monitor your activity or capture your data. With VPN, the information you send from one computer to another travels encrypted so that no one can access it other than the receiver.


Where and what is an online VPN used for?

Its use is usually associated with work environments or telecommuting, since companies use this type of connection to facilitate a secure access to your workers when they are out of the office. However, with the Internet present in many aspects of our daily lives, having a secure connection has gone from being optional to necessary. It can be used on any computer, tablet or smartphone and with any operating system such as Windows, Android, Linux, Mac OSX, iPhone or iPad IOS or with your WordPress.


What is a VPN for?

A VPN can help us on many occasions:

  • Unblock content: Suppose you are in Spain and you would like to watch your favorite series on the BBC but unfortunately the website only allows users from the United Kingdom. With a VPN you could choose to connect to a server in London, changing your geolocation and being able to access the content without any problem.
  • Protect yourself from censorship and maintain your privacy: In some places like China, you can’t access Facebook or GMAIL. A VPN would help you avoid censorship while protecting your privacy since your internet provider has no way of knowing what pages you are visiting.
  • Hide your IP address: Your IP address is like your home address, wouldn’t you want a thief to know where you live? In the same way that a VPN helps you camouflage your location, it also helps you hide your IP to keep you safe from hackers.
  • Encrypt your data: even if you use a connection that is compromised and spied on, your data will be safe since the attacker will only see a combination of letters and numbers that he will not be able to decrypt.

We recommend CiberProtector has servers in 15 countries that will help you divert traffic from your device and encrypt it in a way that makes it absolutely impossible to be discovered by hackers or malware on your devices. You just have to install it and start using it on your links of interest.
Secure your Internet connection right now!


Use 2FA or double factor authentication


2FA stands for “Two Factor Authentication”, or two-step authentication. It is also called two-step verification or two-step identification. It is a system that adds a second identity verification factor to your accesses. This means adding one more step to the process of typing in your username or email and password, which is usually the only step you need to get into an account.

Two-step identification is a system to confirm that it is really you who is accessing an account, preventing other people from accessing your account. Sometimes, there may be password leaks on the Internet, or you may have your child’s name as your password and someone can guess it. So when you type in your correct name and password, it’s nice to have a way to confirm that it’s you who is typing it.

The way to do this is to add a second step in the process of identifying yourself to a service. In this way, when you correctly write your username or email next to the password, the service where you are identifying yourself will ask you for a second step.

There are different ways to carry out the identification in two steps, but all of them have something in common: an unequivocal method is sought so that only you can carry it out. This method will look for you to enter a password or make a gesture so that it can be known that you are in control and there at the computer when you try to log in.

After logging into a service with your username and password, you will have to indicate it with an SMS, pin or numerical code generated by the system to be able to access it, activating it through a device or application, to which you are associated.

There are several two-step verification methods: SMS, email, security questions, authenticator apps, security keys, in-app codes, and biometric recovery codes. Surely some of them you already know, while others may be more useful or less frequent.


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